Listed below are the types of systems we offer service contracts on. Included with every service contract is a discounted labor-per-hour rate, discounted rate of septic pumping, detailed reports via email, contracts and sample results sent to the county as a point of contact between the counties and our homeowners.

EcoFlo Biofilter Peat Moss System (Includes Coco Peat)

  • 1 service per year which includes raking the peat moss, cleaning effluent filter, measuring sludge levels in septic tank, inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, alarms, floats, UV lights, etc. Sampling available for an additional fee and dependent on requirements. These systems are required by all counties to have a yearly maintenance contract.

EcoPure Peat Moss System

  • 1 service per year which includes cleaning the effluent filter, measuring sludge levels in the septic tank, inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, alarms, floats, UV lights, etc. Sampling available for an additional fee and dependent on count and/or permit requirements. These systems are required by all counties to have a yearly maintenance contract.

At-Grade/Mound System

  • 1 service per year which includes cleaning the effluent filter, checking the sludge levels in the septic tank, inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, alarms, floats, etc. Most counties require yearly maintenance contracts for At-Grade/Mound systems.

American Drip System

  • 1 service per year which includes inspecting functions of the system, measuring sludge levels in septic tank, inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, lift tanks, alarms, floats, etc. Most counties require yearly maintenance contracts for these systems.

Conventional System

  • 1 service per year which includes checking the sludge levels in the septic tank, cleaning the effluent filter, inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, lift tanks, alarms, floats, etc.

Sand Filter System

  • 1 service per year which includes measuring of sludge in septic tank, cleaning of effluent filter, inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, alarms, floats, etc. Sampling available for an additional fee and dependent on requirements. The counties vary in whether they require homeowners to have a yearly maintenance contract on sand filter systems, check with us or your county sanitarian for more information.

Waterloo Biofilter Systems

  • Field examination of all septic components, measure sludge levels in tank, clean biofilter nozzles, clean effluent filter and inline filter (if present), inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, alarms, floats, UV lights, etc. Sampling available for an additional fee and dependent on county and/or permit requirements. These systems are required by all counties to have a yearly maintenance contract.

Clearstream System

  • 2 services per year which includes cleaning of effluent filter, raking of free access sand filter (if applicable), inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, alarms, floats, UV lights, etc. Sampling available for an additional fee and dependent on county and/or permit requirements. These systems are required by all counties to have a yearly maintenance contract.

Multi-Flo System

  • 2 services per year which includes cleaning the weir plate and checking unit for operating conditions, raking free access sand filter (if applicable), measuring sludge in septic or pre-tanks, servicing after filters (if applicable), inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, alarms, floats, UV lights, after filters, etc. Sampling available for an additional fee and dependent on requirements. These systems are required by all counties to have a yearly maintenance contract.

Nibbler Jr.

  • 2 services per year which includes cleaning of effluent filter, checking sludge levels in system, checking unit for operating conditions, inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, alarms, floats, etc. Sampling available for an additional fee and dependent on requirements. These systems are required by all counties to have a yearly maintenance contract.

Nyadic Systems

  • 2 services per year which includes cleaning of effluent filter, raking of free access sand filter (if applicable), inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, alarms, floats, UV lights, etc. Sampling available for an additional fee and dependent on county and/or permit requirements.

EZ Treat System

  • 2 services per year which includes cleaning media and checking unit for operating conditions, inspections of other components that may make up the system for current functioning such as pumps, alarms, floats, UV lights, etc. Sampling available for an additional fee and dependent on county and/or permit requirements.